Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Peeps...

that's what we call them and also how Scott greets us as he comes through the door. Well, my peeps...are growing older. I think about this frequently but noticed how much after searching through old posts and viewing past pictures. I was doing pretty good for awhile, sometimes posted weekly. What happened...was it Facebook? Let just say it was and blame it on something. Anyway, I'm over facebook, have been for awhile so maybe I should try this blogging thing again. Yep, let's try this again, it's a good way to capture the moments and a fun way for the family to look back at past time. Besides I enjoy writing. See you back here soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Try again...

that's the message I kept getting as I tried over and over again to enter my password. It has been awhile. I had to pause for a few minutes before entering the name of my blog into the address bar.

My mom asked me tonight if I was ever going to blog again and here is her answer...

Yes. I am and as you requested here are photos of the family. I'm feeling lazy and it's late so I didn't upload the most recent pictures. However, these are the most recently uploaded on my laptop and they happen to be from over the holiday break. For the most part we look the same. Smile. Hope that's all right mom.

First photo taken of us in the new year.

We spent the first few days of 2010 in Orlando. Before returning back to school and getting caught up in the year to come we took a mini vacation to relax and enjoy time spent together.

From the temperature outside you would have never known you were in Florida. We had record low temps the first week into the new year. It was FREEZING! I felt bad for the hoards of tourist vacationing in the state that week. Those poor people planned to visit the sun shine state and relax in the warm weather. Nope...40 degrees! This is why we're bundled up.

Spending the day at Universal Studios.

Over the break Ella taught herself how to send text messages. Her dad, myself and the babysitter... she can texted us all! Of course she has to use one of our phones. Can't wait.

Ending a full day. Tired.

We saw The Blue Man Group during our stay. We had a great time at the show and for many hours after the proformance. The kids took away lighted drum sticks which prompted our own show back at the hotel.

Again, It was cold outside. Our kids didn't care how cold it was. Our hotel had four outdoor pools, two hot tubs and a playground. We used them all. Well, Scott and I stayed away from the pools (even though they were heated).

The hotel that we stayed in was a actually a time share. It was wonderful. We had a full kitchen stocked with whatever was needed. Ella made us smoothies.

As I mentioned we took some time to relax.

Happy New Year... looking forward to 2010!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Hey, is anyone out there? What am I doing here, with this blog I mean. Wow, it's been a while. Thought when the kids went back to school I'd have time to keep up with this but I guess I'm not doing such a good job. I'm realizing that no matter how much time you're given it still vanishes. Just occupied a little differently now, I guess. Is that it? Can that be my excuse? Can I use the excuse of time for not posting about past birthdays, family vacations and various outings. Well for what it's worth, we have been busy and it has taken us awhile to get back into the grove. Scott's crazy busy with work, Ella's adapting to the changes that third grade brings, Jack, well he's just along for the ride enjoying school and learning how to stay out of trouble given his new sassy attitude and me... I'm just trying to enjoy each day, which I do. Focusing on my family and spending some much needed time on myself. Life is good here. I will get better, at blogging that is, I'm going to try harder.

Friday, August 28, 2009

five days a week...

... and this is how the first day ended. Wiped out but more than happy to get up the next day and do it all over again. He loves it and I am now officially the mom of TWO school aged children.

Wow, eight years of mornings filled with story times, preschool outings and various other children related activities. Afternoons spent running errands (and by errands I mean only those pressing enough that must be done) with kids complaining, "do WE have to go in" and "can't YOU just do this later, without US". Picnic lunches packed for the park that usually came about through bargaining, related to the dreaded errand running.

Eight years, count them, eight and now... it's just me.

Can I tell you how much can be accomplished in the course of six hours when you're by yourself and have no interruptions. Pause. Let's just think about that. I forgot what it was like. Throughout this first week of school I've found myself rushing from task to task only to stop and remind myself that tomorrow I get six more hours of this.

Like I said, this is the first week, school has begun and we're adjusting to the changes. I must say that I do miss those crazy mornings and mid afternoons with children. I miss them and get a little weepy when I think of how they're over. This is a new chapter for me... for our family. They're growing older, they'll continue to do so, it saddens me when I think about it but excites me in the same way.

Goodbye summer...we'll miss you. See you again in nine months.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Independence Day...

Is anyone getting tired of viewing photos of our family at the beach yet? It does kind of seem like that's all we do. Well, it's not all we do but we do spend a bit of time traveling up and down the coast. I don't know how you wouldn't spend countless beach hours given where we live. Anyway, we like the sun, sand and water so once again we found ourselves enjoying the holiday weekend at the beach.

Swimming and eating...does the rule still apply? You know wait 20 minutes after eating before getting in the water.

A hot summers evening spent with good company. Grilling food and cooling off in the pool.

Can't be a celebration without fireworks. Waiting for the sun to go down...

Sun down, time for a simple front yard display.

Happy Independence Day! Hope everyone's day was filled with fun times and relaxing moments.