Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Three Cheers!

I tried my hardest to capture a short piece of the joyous event.

Mr. Alan W. Wilson DePaul University College of Law Graduate. Congratulations to you on your hard earned degree and to Rhonda for her patients and loyal support. We love you both and wish you all the best!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sweet song.

If this doesn't melt your heart I don't know what will. Here's a clip from Jack's end of the year program. I love this kid!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

I have always adored my mom. I can remember as a child telling her that I was never going to leave her side. I wanted to live with her forever and the thought of growing older and moving on was unimaginable.

Time has changed my mind and thankfully so because now I have the wonderful experience of being a mom myself. Through these seven years of motherhood I have learned so much about myself. No other job can compare to the selfless and humbling job of a mom.

I am not only lucky to be a mom but to have such amazing women role models in my life. Through their wisdom and example I have grown and matured into what I hope is a compassionate, nurturing and flexible mom.

Here's to the many special moms in my life. Thank you for your tireless and unconditional love.

I love you Mom, Happy Mothers Day!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

picture postcard.

Dear Josh,

Thank you for sending me to Florida. My time spent here was fun but now it's time for me to return from my adventure. As you can see I have been enjoying the sun and warm weather. I have visited the beach and have collected some items to share with you and Ms. Yerkes first grade class. Be on the look out for me, I can't wait to see you and the other students!

Flat Stanley

P.S. Your aunt, uncle and cousins really miss you! You should come spend time with them.